Tuesday 7 November 2017

Optionen Handel Miami

Profit 100 Perhari Panduan gratis Meraih Einkommen 100 Lebih Setiap Hari Dari Handel Binär Option Dengan Strategi Handel 100 Profit atau Trading otomatis dengan ROBOT TRADING GRATIS tanpa perlu keahlian apapun dan bisa und ein coba demo Handel gratis 8230 8220GARANSI 100 PROFIT amp MUDAH DIJALANKAN8221 Info Terbaru: Trading Binary Yang Bisa Kaution Dan zieht sich über BCAMandiri zurück. Bonus 30 Tanpa Kaution Dan Gratis DEMO Trading Berhadiah 100 Dalam 1 Jam. SILAHKAN KLIK DISINI Contoh Pembayaran Terbaru 1000 Lebih Yang Saya Terima Via Skrill: Bukti Pembayaran Sejak 2016 Lebih Dari 4000 Dan Total Lebih Dari 25.000 TIPPS TRADING BINARY DÄNEM STRATEGIE 100 PROFIT Strategie ini adalah hasil analisa dari lebih 10.000 kali handel yang sudah di test dan sudah terbukti Sangat profitabel serta bebas resiko Trik Ini terbukti bisa meraih lebih 100 Gewinn pro hari dan bisa und ein coba dengan 1000 Demo-Handel gratis8230 APA ITU TRADING BINARY OPTIONEN: Trading binary di jalankan dengan markt yang sama persis dengan forex handel tetapi lebih mudah di lakukan dan memberikan profit yang lebih besar. Profitnya sampai 82 Misalnya jika anda bestellen 10 maka bisa menjadi 18,2 atau gewinn 8.2 dan jika lossrugi adalah sebesar nilai bestellen 10 Hanya Pelu bestellen Call atau Put. Nennen jika harga di perkirakan naik dan Put jika harga di perkirakan turun. Bestellen akan Gewinn walaupun hanya selisih 1 Poin saja. Durasi Waktu Trading Mulai 1 Menit. Bestellen handel sesuai dengan durasi, jika bestellen dengan waktu abgelaufen 1 menit maka bisa gewinn 182 dalam 1 menit saja. Misalnya bestellen Anrufen 8211 EURUSD sebesar 10 di harga 1.0913 55 dan setelah 1 menit abgelaufen di harga 1.0913 59 maka bisa gewinn menjadi 18,2 karena harga abgelaufene diatas harga bestellen. Untuk Put Harus abgelaufen di Bawah Harga Bestellung. Untuk melakukan Handel bisa anda jalankan secara 8220 Manueller Handel Dengan Strategie 100 Gewinn 8221 artinya unda Handel sendiri sekaligus untuk belajar cara handel agar mengetahui tata caranya dengan baik. PANDUAN MUDAH TRADING DEMO Verstärker REAL DÄNNER STRATEGIE 100 PROFIT Silahkan mendaftar gratis Buka Akun Handel kostenlos Klik di sini Untuk Mobile dan Android klik disini Silahkan klik 8220 Registrasi 8220, isikan nama dan E-Mail anda dan ikuti proses registrasi sampai selesai. Lihat email anda dan konfirmasikan pendaftaran lalu anda bisa Login untuk akses Handelsbereich Demo Trading. Login ke Konto unda dan klik 8220 Praxis 10008243 di Bagian atas dan Anda bisa berlatih Handel secara kostenlos Dengan Konto Demo 1000. Gunakan strategi Handel di bawah untuk melihat betapa mudahnya melakukan Handel binäre Optionen dengan strategi 100 Gewinn atau anda bisa Test Handel otomatis dengan Roboter Handel gratis. Echthandel. Login ke Account anda dan lakukan Einzahlung mulai 10 saja maka anda bisa mulai melakukan echt handel dengan cara klik menu 8220 Real Trading 8221 di bagian atas maka Anda bisa Handel dengan uang sebenarnya dan memperoleh Gewinn berupa uang riil yang bisa und ein cairkan. Anda Bisa Mulai Handel echte Dengan Kaution Mulai 10 Saja Dan Handel 1 pro Bestellung. Bisa Handel otomatis dengan Roboter gratis atau Trading Handbuch Dengan Strategi 100 Gewinn. Trik Trading Dengan Roboter bisa und ein Lihat di Bagian Bawah Halaman Ini. Lihat disini untuk Fixed Einkommen Konto. Perusahaan memberikan jaminan Gewinn tetap sampai 22 perbulan dengan waktu mulai 1 bulan sampai tak terbatas selama yang und ein inginkan. Yaitu sampai und ein menarik modal yang und ein depositkan di akun anda. TRIK HANDELSHANDBUCH DENGAN STRATEGI 100 PROFIT Tipps Mudah Melakukan Trading, Seting Grafik Dan Menentukan Saat Bestellen Untuk pemula sebaiknya coba 8220 Demo Trading 8221 dahulu sampai bisa melakukan handel dengan baik dengan strategie di bawah setelah itu bisa melakukan 8220 RealTrading 8221 dengan melakukan depot mulai 10 saja . Setelah und ein offenes Konto Maka und ein bisa Melakukan Handel Pada Saat Hari Trading Tag Yaitu Mulai Hari Senin Pukul 5 Pagi Sampai Hari Minggu Pukul 5 Pagi WIB. Untuk Mulai Trading bisa dengan akses website iqoption lalu Login dan klik 8220 Trading 8221 dan tunggu sampai muncul grafik dengan sempurna di trader Zimmer dan anda bisa pilih Handel Real Trading atau Praxis 1000 untuk mencoba Demo Handel. Anda bisa melihat grafik tempat untuk melakukan handel DEMO dengan markt sesungguhnya yang sama persis dengan Realhandel dan melakukan Demo Handel. Jika ingin Handel nyata echten Handel Maka bisa Login ke Handel nyata. Pilih Aset yang akan und a tradingkan misalnya pada senin pagi dari jam 7 pagi anda bisa pilih aset NZDUSD atau EURUSD dll. (Klik disini untuk melihat gambar cara pilih aset) Pilih Modell grafik Tick Chart atau Kerzen Diagramm. Disini saya contohkan yang paling mudah memilih morel Tick chart (Klik disini untuk melihat gambar cara pilih modelliagramm) Pilih Indikator untuk mempermudah melihat saat yang tepat melakukan bestellen. Disini saya contohkan yang mudah dan akurat dengan memakai indikator 8220 Bolinger Bands 8221. (Klik disini untuk melihat gambar pertama cara pilih indikator 8211 Klik disini untuk melihat gambar kedua cara pilih indikator bolinger bands). Bolinger bands akan menampilkan 3 garis yaitu gartis batas atas, garis tengah dan garis batas bawah. Setelah und ein Memilih Aset, Memilih Modell Diagramm Dan Seting Indikator Maka Dengan Mudah Bisa Melihat Saat Yang Tepat Melakukan Auftrag Call atau Put. (Klik disini untuk melihat contoh gambar hasilnya) Cara Mudah Melakukan Bestellen Call atau Put Cara Bestellen Call 8211 Isikan Jumlah Betrag misalnya 10 dan klik tombol 8220Call8221. Lihat posisi ujung grafik Jika ujung grafik di titik terendah atau di garis batas bawah dan anda perkirakan akan naik lagi maka bisa melakukan bestellung Anruf dengan mengisikan Betrag dan klik tombol 8220 Anruf 8220 Cara Auftrag Setzen 8211 Isikan Jumlah Betrag misalnya 10 dan klik tombol 8220 Put 8221 . Lihat posisi ujung grafik Jika ujung grafik di titik tertinggi atau di garis batas atas dan anda perkirakan akan turun lagi maka bisa melakukana bestellen Put dengan mengisikan Betrag dan klik tombol 8220 Setzen Sie 8220 Contohnya anda bisa melakukan bestellen 8220 rufen Sie 8221 saat harga berada dititik terendah yaitu ujung Grafik berada di garis batas bawah indikator bolinger bands seperti gambar di bawah (Klik disini untuk lihat gambar) Contoh Bestellen Anruf dengan grafik tick chart saat ujung grafik berada di titik rendah garis bawah maka bisa isa isikan Betrag Dan klik 8220Call8221 untuk melakukan bestellen Anruf. Lihat gambar di bawah Contoh kedua bestellen Anruf dengan grafik tick chart saat ujung grafik di batas bawah Trik Super Mudah Meraih Profit dengan Trading 1 Menit. Contoh Bestellen Call di titik terendah amp Put di titik tertinggi. Strategi ini sangat bagus hasilnya saat grafik Kein Trend atau turun naik atau 8220 Sideway Markt 8221 misalnya pada hari senin sampai jum8217at dari mulai jam 5 pagi sampai jam 12 siang sebelum markt Eropa dan USA offen. Lakukan bestellen 8220 CALL 8221 di titik terendah yaitu saat ujung grafik berada di garis batas bawah bolinger bands. Isikan besar order di kotak Betrag dan klik 8220 Anruf 8220 Lakukan bestellen 8220 PUT 8221 di titik tertinggi yaitu saat ujung grafik berada di garis batas atas bolinger bands. Isikan besar order di kotak Betrag dan klik 8220 Setzen Sie 8220 Silahkan lihat contoh cara Handel diatas saat yang tepat melakukan bestellen Anruf. Masukkan nilai bestellen di bagian 8220 Menge 8221 sebelah kanan misalnya Rp.1000 untuk rupiah atau 1 untuk USD lalu klik tombol 8220Call8221 Tunggu sampai waktunya abgelaufen sekitar 1 menit, Jika win maka akan memperleh gesamt 182 dari nilai bestellen anda. Misalnya Auftrag 1 Gewinn menjadi 1.82 Dan Auftrag 10 gewinnen menjadi 18.2 Aplikasikan Strategiehandel 100 Profit di bawah ini. Strategien ini adalah sebagai antisipasi jika anda salah melakukan Ordnung dan mengalami Verlust atau rugi maka bisa tetap Gewinn dengan menjalankan strategi ini (Video panduan Handel 100 Gewinn bisa di akses di bagian bawah halaman ini) Misalnya und ein melakukan bestellen pertama 10 (di IQoption bisa bestellen mulai 1 saja) Pertama bestellen 8220 Call108243 (67 kemungkinan gewinn 8211 Jika Win harus kembali ke bestellen pertama 10) Jika anda sudah berhasil melakukan bestellen pertama tetapi grafik masih terus turun, maka anda bisa melakukan bestellen kedua sebesar 2 kali lipat 8220 Rufen Sie 20 8221 di titik an Yang lebih rendah dari bestellen pertama (79 kemungkinan gewinn 8211 Jika Win harus kembali ke bestellen pertama 10) Jika anda sudah berhasil melakukan bestellen ke-dua tetapi grafik masih terus turun, maka anda bisa melakukan bestellen ketiga sebesar 2 kali lipat bestellen kedua 8220 rufen 50 8221 di titik yang lebih rendah Dari bestellen kedua (98 kemungkinan gewinn 8211 Jika Win harus kembali ke bestellen pertama 10) Jika und a sudah berhasil melakukan bestellen ke-tiga tetapi grafik masih terus turun, maka anda bisa melakukan bestellen ke - empat sebesar 2 kali lipat bestellen ketiga 8220 Call 120 8221 di titik yang Lebih rendah dari bestellen ketiga (99.9 kemungkinan win) 8211 Jika Win harus kembali ke bestellen pertama 10) Setiap bestellen unda Verlust harus bestellen yang sama dengan nilai 2x lipat bestellen selanjutnya dan jika Win harus kembali lagi ke bestellen pertama. Jika anda melakukan bestellen pertama mulai 1 maka Bestellen kedua 2. Bestellen ketiga 5 dan keempat 12 Agar bisa menjalankan strategi 100 proft maka sebaiknya depot mulai 100 Anda juga bisa melakukan Handel secara otomatis dengan Membuat Robot Trading yang memakai sistem 100 Gewinn ini dan panduan bisa anda akses di halaman bawah. Ilustrasi Profitnya Sebagai Berikut Dengan Rückkehr 200 Bestellen pertama 10 jika Gewinn menjadi 20 Jika bestellen pertama Verlust 10 lalu bestellen kedua 20 Gewinn maka. Profit 40 Dari Bestellung kedua di kurangi bestellen pertama 10 dan kedua 20 (gesamt 30). Gesamtgewinn 40 8211 30 10 Jika Auftrag Pertama 10 Verlust, Kedua 20 Verlust Dan Ketiga 50 Gewinn Maka. Profit 100 dari bestellen ketiga di kurangi Gesamtauftrag pertama 10 kedua 20 ketiga 50 (gesamt 80). Gesamtgewinn 100 8211 80 20 Jika Auftrag Pertama 10 Verlust, Kedua 20 Verlust, Ketiga 50 Verlust Dan Ke-Empat 120 Gewinn Maka Profit 240 Dari Bestellung Ke Empat di Kurangi Gesamtauftrag ke pertamakeduaketigakeempat (102050120 200). Insgesamt profitnya 240 8211 200 40 Gewinn Jadi dengan strategi ini bisa di katakan hasil akhirnya selalu Gewinn sehingga di sebut strategi Handel 100 Gewinn. Lakukan bestellen dengan cepat dan setiap posisi grafik sedang di atas maka segera bestellen 8220 PUT 8220. Pastikan anda berlatih melakukan bestellen dengan cepat agar bestellen anda bisa tepat di titik tertinggi. Jika posisi ujung grafik di bawah maka bisa bestellen 8220 CALL 8220. Setelah berhasil melakukan bestellen maka tinggal menunggu sekitar 1 menit sampai waktunya abgelaufen dan lihat hasil bestellen anda. Jika Win Maka Akan Profit 200 bestellen 10 menjadi 20, bestellen 50 menjadi 100 dan jika Verlust maka rugi sebesar nilai bestellen anda. Karena itu pastikan anda bisa berlatih melakukan bestellen yang tepat dan akurat agar bisa selalu Gewinn. Jangan kuatir Jika hasil Ordnung und ein masih Verlust Sebab anda bisa menerapkan strategi Handel 100 Profit seperti Panduan Agar Ordnung und ein Tetap Menghasilkan Gewinn. ZIEHEN. Strategie Handel di atas akan berhasil baik saat Markt sidewaysturun naik. Anda bisa mempelajari dan menerapkan strategie handel yang lebih lengkap agar bisa handel dengan baik Silahkan akses 8220 Strategy Trading Lengkap disini 8221 STRATEGIE TRADING DENGAN MENGIKUTI TREND DAN METODE 100 PROFIT Trik Handel ini cocoknya di jalankan saat Markt sedang UP Trend atau Down Trend. Dan sangat bagus jika und ein mengikuti trend untuk melakukan bestellen. Saat Upward TrendTrend Naik sebaiknya anda hanya melakukan bestellen 8220 UP 8221 atau 8220 CALL 8221. Contoh Video untuk mengetahui saat terbaik bestellen CALL saat UP TREND gt KLIK DISINI Saat Down TrendTrend Turun sebaiknya und a hanya melakukan bestellen 8220 DOWN 8221 atau 8220 PUT 8220. Contoh Video Untuk mengetahui saat terbaik bestellen PUT saat DOWN TREND gt KLIK DISINI Untuk Kein Trend SidewaysTurun naik bisa ikuti Strategie PUT di titik tetinggi dan CALL di titik terendah. Contoh Video untuk mengetahui saat terbaik bestellen PUT atau CALL dengan patokan Pin Bar Strategie gtgt KLIK DISINI (Video Panduan Handel 100 Gewinn bisa di akses di Bagian Bawah Halaman Ini) Agar Lebih Mudah Melakukan Trading Mengikuti Trend Markt Maka Modell Chart bisa und ein Rubah dan Pilih Kerze Diagramm. Contou Auftrag anrufen dengan grafik kerzen chart Contoh untuk Nach oben Trend Peluang bestellen terbaik adalah CALL atau UP Contou bestellen ini dengan bestellen pertama mulai 10. Anda bisa Trading Dengan Bestellung Mulai 1 Saja. Pertama bestellen 8220 CALL 10 8221 (67 kemungkinan gewinn) pada saat kerze beningnaik Jika bestellen pertama Verlust, lakukan bestellen kedua 8220 CALL 20 8221 (79 kemungkinan win) Jika bestellen kedua Verlust, lakukan bestellen ketiga 8221 CALL 50 8221 (98 kemungkinan win) Jika Bestellen ketiga verlust, lakukan bestellen ke empat 8220 CALL120 8221 (99,9 kemungkinan gewinn) Jika win maka anda harus kembalai ke bestellen pertama 10 Test trik ini dan lihat betapa mudahnya menjalankan Handel Jika anda bestellen pertama mulai 1 maka. Bestellen ke22, bestellen ke35 dan bestellen ke4 12 Untuk trik ini di butuhkan Anzahlung 100 atau lebih Contoh up trend seperti gambar di atas Contoh untuk Down Trend Peluang bestellen terbaik adalah LOW atau PUT atau Down Pertama bestellen 8220 PUT 10 8221 (67 kemungkinan win) pada Saat Kerze putihdown Jika bestellen pertama Verlust, lakukan bestellen kedua 8220 PUT 20 8221 (79 kemungkinan win) Jika bestellen kedua Verlust, lakukan bestellen ketiga 8221 PUT 50 8221 (98 kemungkinan win) Jika bestellen ketiga Verlust, lakukan bestellen ke empat PUT120 8221 (99.9 Kemungkinan gewinnt) jika win maka und a harus kembalai ke bestellen pertama 10 jika anda bestellen pertama mulai 1 maka. Bestellen ke22, bestellen ke35 dan bestellen ke4 12 Test trik ini dan lihat betapa mudahnya menjalankan Handel Untuk trik ini di butuhkan Kaution 100 atau lebih Ilustrasi profitnya sebagai berikut dengan return 200 Bestellen pertama 10 jika Gewinn menjadi 20 Jika bestellen pertama Verlust 10 lalu Auftrag kedua 20 Profit maka Profit 40 Dari Bestellung kedua di kurangi bestellen pertama 10 dan kedua 20 (gesamt 30). Gesamtgewinn 40 8211 30 10 Jika Auftrag Pertama 10 Verlust, Kedua 20 Verlust Dan Ketiga 50 Gewinn Maka. Profit 100 dari bestellen ketiga di kurangi Gesamtauftrag pertama 10 kedua 20 ketiga 50 (gesamt 80). Gesamtgewinn 100 8211 80 20 Jika Auftrag Pertama 10 Verlust, Kedua 20 Verlust, Ketiga 50 Verlust Dan Ke-Empat 120 Gewinn Maka Profit 240 Dari Bestellung Ke Empat di Kurangi Gesamtauftrag ke pertamakeduaketigakeempat (102050120 200). Insgesamt profitnya 240 8211 200 40 Gewinn Jadi dengan strategi ini bisa di katakan hasil akhirnya selalu Gewinn sehingga di sebut strategi Handel 100 Gewinn. Anda juga bisa melakukan Handel secara otomatis dengan Membuat Robot Trading yang memakai sistem 100 Gewinn ini dan panduan bisa anda akses di halaman bawah. Jangan kuatir Jika hasil Ordnung und ein masih Verlust Sebab anda bisa menerapkan strategi Handel 100 Profit seperti Panduan Agar Ordnung und ein Tetap Menghasilkan Gewinn. VIDEO TRIK HANDELSGEBIET 2600 DALAM 10 MENIT dan Video Panduan Handel lengkap bisa und akses di bawah ini: Untuk bisa mengakses VIDEO TRIK TRADING DENGAN PROFIT 2600 DALAM 10 MENIT silahkan share dulu über Facebook atau Twitter Setelah und eine Aktie Maka bisa mengakses langsung VIDEO nya secara otomatis Di bawah ini: Cara Memulai Handel Real, Kaution Dan EntzugPenarikan Uang Cara Kaution. Untuk Ablagerung bisa dengan klik Einzahlungsfonds 8221 dan ikuti prosesnya Pilih metode pembayaran bisa memakai. Fasapay, Skrill, Neteller, Kartu Kredit, Webmoney, Überweisung dll Pilih mata uang USD Yang Paling Mudah. Pilih jumlah Ablagerung mulai 10 misalnya anda bisa pilih 100 lalu klik tombol 8220 Lanjutkan 8221 di bagian bawah. Jika memakai kartu kredit maka bisa mengisi Daten kartu kredit dan klik Pay. Jika memakai Fasapay Maka bisa langsung isikan Datenkonto und ein lalu Login ke Konto und ein Dan Lakukan Proses Pembayaran Sampai Selesai. Setela itu maka otomatis akan di masukkan ke Konto Gleichgewicht Handel unda di iQoption dan bisa anda gunakan Handel riil dengan strategi 100 Gewinn di bawah untuk memperoleh Gewinn. Einzahlung Cepat Dengan Fasapay Untuk Indonesien Yang Cukup Mudah Adalah Ablagerung Memakai Fasapay. Anda bisa membuka Konto fasapay lalu membeli saldo dari austauscher di indonesien seperti 8220Medangold. co. id 8220 Buka account di fasapay 8211 Fasapay Personal. Silahkan-Mukukakonat-Konto atau signup-Konto fasapay klik disini Akses lalu klik 8220 signup 8221 lalu isikan daten vorname dan lastname nama anda, email anda, pilih persönlich, isikan Captcha dan klik 8220 weiter 8221. Lalu cek email anda dan klik link untuk verifikasi email. Selanjutnya isikan Daten nama anda, tanggal lahir, buat passwort dll dengan lengkap dan ikuti proses registrasi sampai selesai. Maka anda akan memperoleh 8220 Nomor Account Fasapay 8221 yang di kirimkan ke E-Mail und ein Verifikasi Dan Set Pin Serta Hinzufügen Bank ke Fasapay anda. Lakukan verifikasi dengan upload scan KTP dan Scan bukti alamat misalnya Scan rek listrik, rek bank, rek air, Asuransi dll salah satu saja. Selling Master PIN und ein Dan PIN Kedua Untuk Transfer, tarik uang ke Bank lokal dll. Anda bisa membuat sendiri minimal 6-stellig. Cara pertama Mengisi Saldo Fasapay dari tauscher: Anda bisa membeli saldo dari exchanger di indonesien seperti 8220Medangold. de 8220 Cara kedua Mengisi Saldo Fasapay dari fasapay. id. Sesuai dengan aturan baru Bank Indonesien Maka unda bisa Membrana Konto di fasapay. co. id khusus untuk IDR dan fasapay untuk USD (Baca ketentuan baru disini) Pertama buka Konto fasapay. id (Baca panduan disini) setelah membuka Konto maka unda bisa melakukan Ablagerung dalam IDR atau Rupiah di Konto fasapay. co. id unda. Cara Mengisi Saldo Fasapay dari fasapay. id Tambahkan Konto fasapay. id anda ke Konto fasapay anda (Baca panduan disini) Setelah itu maka und ein bisa melakukan Ablagerung dari Konto fasapay. id ke Konto fasapay und a dalam USD Dan selanjutnya melakukan Ablagerung dari fasapay ke Konto iqoption. Cara Panarikan Dana Dari Fasapay Bisa und ein Baca Disini Cara WithdrawPenarikan Dana Dari iQoption Cara WithdrawPenarikan. Silahkan klik menu 8220 Penarikan 8221 di bawah 8220 Lemari Pribadi 8221 sebelah kiri, Lalu pilih metode penarikan misalnya. Fasapay, Skrill, Überweisung dll. Dan isikan jumlah penarikan yang akan anda lakukan Proses penarikan uangwithdrawal cukup cepat dalam waktu 1-3 hari saja. Jika anda menarik uang über Fasapay maka nantinya bisa und ein jual saldo fasapay anda melalui beberapa exchanger di indonesien Bonus ebook lengkap Handel binäre Optionen dari saya sampai anda bisa Handel dan Profit jika anda beitreten dari link di halaman ini dengan 8220 Buka Konto Nyata 8221 dan Ablagerung mulai 100 saja Dapatkan ebook lengkap panduan Handel dan kunci sukses Handel serta info seminarworkshop Handel binäre Optionen yang bisa anda ikuti. Kontak per E-Mail ke. Solusigratisnetyahoo Strategi ini adalah sebagai alternatif jika terjadi verlust tetapi yang paling baik adalah jika anda bisa melakukan handel dengan baik dan akurat sehingga bestellen yang anda lakukan bisa selalu profit. Katatan Silahkan Lakukan Test Demo Trading Dulu Sampai und ein Benar-Benar bisa Melakukan Trading Dengan Baik Dan Profit. Coba Demo Trading Dengan Waktu Ablauf 1 menit baik dengan strategi bestellen di titik tertinggiterendah atau bestellen dengan strategi 100 Gewinn. Juga bisa und ein Testhandel 3 menit atau 5 menit. Lakukan Demo Trading Sampai und ein Benar-Benar bisa bestellen dengan baik dan memperoleh Gewinn. Jika Sudah Yakin Maka und ein bisa Trading Live Dengan Muka Konto di Beberapa Proker Yang Bisa Di ikuti Benutzer Dari Indonesien Dan Melakukan Ablagerung. Sangat di rekomendasikan Kaution lebih dari 100 Agar bisa menjalankan strategi 100 Gewinn. Cara Ablagerung Termudah untuk Mitglied dari Indonesien dengan Fasapay, info cara buka Konto dan mengisi saldo fasapay Anda juga bisa Ablagerung Dan zurückziehen memakai 8220 Neteller 8221 atau Skrill yang di proses secara instan. Cukup Buka Konto di neteller, lakukan Einzahlung di neteller anda über Wire Transfer atau Transfer langsung Dari Bank Lokal Ke Rekeing Bank Neteller Biasanya Prosesnya Sekitar 2 Hari Kerja Atau Ablagerung über Kreditkarte Ke Neteller. Setela ada saldo di Konto neteller und a maka bisa digunakan Einzahlung di binary Broker. Ingat Handel binäre Option juga memiliki resiko untuk Verlust karena itu unda harus benar-benar berlatih dahulu agar bisa handel dengan baik dan profit. TIPPS TRADING DENGAN SOFTWARE OTOMATIS Cara termudah untuk memulai Handel binäre Optionen adalah dengan menggunakan Software Handel Yang akan melakukan Handel untuk anda secara otomatis dengan hasil Handel Yang akurat. Hanya perlu Set E-Mail-ID und ein Dan gesetzt besar Handel saja. Semua proses handel akan dijalankan software secara otomatis dan bisa menghasilkan 100 lebih per hari. 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Jadi jika anda berminat silahkan di test dahulu dengan minimaler ablagerung minimaler Auftrag untuk melihat performanya. Jika hasilnya bagus bisa und ein gunakan dan jika kurang bagus maka sebaiknya und ein handelshandbuch. Pertama kali perusahaan Handel resmi dari LONDON Mitgliedschaft fasilitas feste Einkommen atau Garansi Gewinn Tetap Sampai 22 Perbulan Dan verwaltet Konto Dengan Profit Sampai 1215 Dalam 8 Bulan. Nama perusahaannya adalah 8216 24StockOption 8221 dengan alamat. BHL Trading Network Ltd, 5 Old Cross Street, Ashton Unter Lyne, 03. Etage, LONDON OL6 6HA, UK Managed Account. Dengan 96 Sukses Rate Dan Bisa Profit Sampai 1215 Dalam 8 Bulan. Akun Handel und a akan di tradingkan oleh Expert Trader dari Perusahaan dengan Garansi Gewinn. Fixed Income Account Perusahaan memberikan jaminan Gewinn tetap sampai 22 perbulan dengan waktu mulai 1 bulan sampai tak terbatas selama yang und ein inginkan. Yaitu sampai und ein menarik modal yang und ein depositkan di akun anda. 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Wie viele News-Sites, verwandelt der Miami Herald seine Blogs von einem System namens Typepad zu etwas neueren und snazzier und eher von Suchmaschinen erkannt werden. Infolgedessen bewegt sich mein Buzz Blog zu einem neuen Standort, der nur auf Miamiherald verfügbar ist. Es gibt drei Möglichkeiten, meine Arbeit vorwärts zu finden: Folge mir auf Twitter (flasportsbuzz). Ich twege Links zu all meinen Geschichten. Anfang bald wird mein Blog in der oberen rechten Ecke der Herald39s Sport-Homepage erscheinen. Neuigkeiten über die Delphine39 Rückkehr Jobs, die Nr. 3 Empfänger Situation und andere Nuggets aus dem Dolphins39 Offensive Koordinator und spezielle Teams Koordinator. Neuigkeiten darüber, warum die Delphine Cam Wake aus der Startaufstellung und anderen Personal-Nuggets aus dem Dolphins39 Verteidigungskoordinator heute entfernen. Nachrichten auf Justise Winslow und einige der Heat39s andere junge Spieler, plus ein Chris Bosh Update. Nachrichten auf etwas, das wir gefunden haben, das sollte Sie weniger schnell beurteilen Ryan Tannehill. Chatter Notizen von heute39s Buzz Spalte, einschließlich viele UM Nuggets und einige gemischte Nachrichten auf einem Marlins Handel. In diesem Beitrag finden Sie UM Personal Notizen, andere wechseln Spieler wie aus der Al GoldenMark D39Onofrio Verwaltung und warum Club LIV hilft Mark Richt. Wir danken Ihnen dafür, dass dies bei weitem der Herald39s am meisten gelesenen Blog unter Dade, Broward und Palm Beach Leser und schätzen Sie beitreten mich an meinem neuen Miamiherald Ort und folgen mir auf Twitter (flasportsbuzz). Glückliche Fußballsaison für alle September 05, 2016 Ein paar Heat-Artikel, mit Spielern, die in der AmericanAirlines Arena drei Wochen heute eintreffen, um ihre erste Saison ohne Dwyane Wade zu beginnen: Die Hitze ist sehr ermutigt durch den Fortschritt, den Justise Winslow bei der Arbeit mit einem Shooting-Spezialisten gemacht hat diesen Sommer. Ein Heat-Mitarbeiter sagte, dass sein Schlaganfall, Freisetzung und Rhythmus viel besser aussehen. Sie werden einen großen Unterschied sehen, dass er ein spezieller Spieler sein kann, sagte diese Person. Winslow lehnte es ab, den Schießtrainer zu identifizieren, sagte aber, dass er mit den Ergebnissen sehr zufrieden ist und dass er während des frühen Morgens und spät in der Nacht an seinem Pullover arbeitet. Der Trainer hat mechanische Änderungen an seinem Schlaganfall gemacht, sagte Winslow: Gerecht die Dinge aus. Ich bin ziemlich zuversichtlich. Ich mag die Art und Weise, wie es geht. Offensives Wachstum ist wichtig für Winslow zu gedeihen als Start klein vorwärts. In der vergangenen Saison schoss er 27,6 Prozent auf drei (32 für 116), 34,4 Prozent von 3 bis 10 Fuß, 28,6 Prozent von 10 auf 16 Fuß und 37,2 Prozent von 16 Fuß auf die Dreipunktlinie. Winslow sagte, es sei großartig zu hören, dass Pat Riley sagt, dass er bereit ist, bei kleinen Vorwärts zu beginnen: Sogar bevor er das sagte, war ich irgendwie in meinem Verstand. Ich erwarte einen riesigen Sprung in meiner Leistung. In einem kürzlich erschienenen Podcast erzählte Winslow dem ehemaligen Duke-Spieler Jon Scheyer: Leider war Dwyane Wade für mich ein Kerl, den ich ansah. Er ist gegangen. Joe Johnson ist weg Lu Deng ist weg Ich bin an der Reihe. Umarme die Gelegenheit. Versuchen Sie, dies in einem Jahr zu machen, um das Front Office zu fühlen, dass Sie sich in der Zukunft um mich herum bauen. Ich freue mich auf das grüne Licht. Meine Rolle wird so viel größer sein. Ich muss lernen, wie man sich stufenweise verstärkt. Winslow sagte, es ist ziemlich klar, die Mentalität der Hitze geht mit, versuchen, den jungen Kern zu bauen wir haben und versuchen, bringen einige gute ergänzende Spieler. Hoffentlich kann Chris Bosh wiederkommen. Unser Ziel ist es, das Spiel so hässlich wie möglich zu machen, eine gute Verteidigung zu spielen und von dort zu gehen. Wir haben viele Spieler bekommen. Wenn wir das alles zusammensetzen können, sollten wir in der Lage sein, die Playoffs zu machen. Winslow erzählte mir und Scheyer, dass er viel von Gregg Popovich gelernt habe, während er mit dem U. S. Olympia-Team in diesem Sommer trainierte. Sie sehen ihn im Fernsehen und Sie sind irgendwie eingeschüchtert und wissen nicht, was zu erwarten ist, sagte Winslow. Um zu sehen, wie normal er ist, wie zugänglich er ist, nur in der Lage sein, sein Gehirn über die Dinge auszuwählen, hat ich in kurzer Zeit viel geholt. Er liebt die Art und Weise, wie ich neue Dinge unterwegs verarbeiten kann. Sein Vollzeittrainer, Erik Spoelstra. Bot diese jüngsten Zeugnisse in einem Heat Video: He39s gehen, um einen Weg, um einen Einfluss auf das Spiel zu finden. Und er wird es tun, um es zu gewinnen. Es könnte defensiv sein, dass es offensiv sein könnte. Es könnte Führung sein. Das alles ist weit vor seinem Alter. Er bringt diese immaterielle Qualität, die für jeden Spieler in dieser Liga sehr einzigartig ist, viel weniger jemand, der 20 Jahre alt ist, mit nur einjähriger Erfahrung. quot Auf einigen der Hitze andere entwickelnde Flügelspieler: Mit Josh Richardson. Hitze-Angestellte haben in diesem Sommer viel Zeit mit ihm verbracht, um für andere zu spielen und seine dribbelnden Züge zu verfeinern und zu beenden. Wie Winslow, hes ein williger Schüler. Er wäre ein Top 20 Pick statt 40. Wenn sie neu gefasst, sagte ein Eastern Conference Scout. Hes eigentlich vielseitig genug, um 1, 2 und 3 zu spielen. Sein Fahrspiel könnte ziemlich gut sein.0160 Mit Tyler Johnson. Die Spielmacherei muss seine 1.7 bis 1 helfen, um Umsatz-Verhältnis zu helfen letzte Saison war unter dem Durchschnitt. Alle Bohrer, die wir in diesem Jahr irgendwie schief machen, um ein Punktwächter zu sein, sagte Johnson. Es ist das gleiche Ziel, das Erik Spoelstra aus dem letzten Jahr hatte, ist es, eine Menge Wiederholungen an der Stelle Wache zu bekommen, die Kontrolle des Spiels, wo, wenn wir ein paar schlechte Sets in einer Reihe haben, in der Lage, das Team zu beruhigen, bekommen Jungs in ihren Spots und dann wissen, wann man das Tempo zu schieben, zu wissen, wann wir nur gehen müssen, um ein Spiel zu erarbeiten. Ich denke, das Spiel Bewusstsein ist wahrscheinlich die größte Sache, die ich brauche, um zu entwickeln, wie die Zeit geht on. quot Die interne Rückmeldung auf Point Guard Briante Weber. Der jetzt einen Aufstieg hinaufführt, um die Rangliste nach Beno Udrihs zu unterschreiben: Hes ein Elite-on-the-Ball-Verteidiger (er durchschnittlich ein absurdes 3,9 stiehlt in der Sommer-Liga). Er hat schnelle Hände und eine einzigartige Fähigkeit zu antizipieren. Der Release-Punkt auf seinem Schuss ist nicht hoch, und es muss dort Verbesserungen geben (er schoss 39 Prozent in der Sommer-Liga, 3 für 19 auf drei), aber die Hitze glaubt nicht, dass sein Schuss gebrochen ist. Die Hitze will auch, dass er seine Fähigkeiten bei Pick-and-Rolls entwickelt und Teamkollegen besser macht. Die Hitze müsste handeln oder schneiden ein Veteran Geld garantiert Geld, um Weber zu halten. Schwierig zu sehen, Rodney McGruder, Stefan Jankovich oder Okaro White machen die Rangliste Sperrhandel Trading von Veteranen. Die Hitze hofft, alle drei in der D-League zu verstauen. Miami liebt Jankovics Soft-Touch und Reichweite, aber er muss mindestens 10 Pfund zu gewinnen. Wie für Chris Bosh. Das Team hat keinen zusätzlichen Kommentar seit Micky Arison39s 0160 sehen Sie in Trainingslager tweet letzten Mittwoch. Discussions remain focused on the Heat39s comfort level with Bosh taking new thinners that would be out of his system within eight hours or so, and ways for him to play while taking those type of thinners, according to an NBA-employed source. The Heat is working on potential solutions and has said it would like to try to get him back on the court. Bosh very much wants to play and intends to (according to his wife). He still needs to be cleared by the Heat, and there will be some level of uncertainty until that happens. But the Heat is working on a solution, which has led to some optimism. Postscripts, notes from UM39s 70-3 season-opening win against Florida AampM in the start of the Mark Richt era: UM39s 42 points in the third quarter were the most the Hurricanes have ever scored in any quarter, ever. This also marks the first time that a Mark-Richt coached team has scored 70 points. But UM failed to equal or surpass its school record for points (77 against Savannah State). UM39s point total was the fourth-highest in school history. UM seemingly was going in for a touchdown midway through the fourth quarter, but Travis Homer fumbled into the end zone, creating a touchback for AampM. Some postgame reaction: Braxton Berrios said players gave Richt a game ball. quotI really, really like it here, quot Richt said. Richt said Brad Kaaya quotmanaged the game well. I thought he did a nice job. quot. Richt said he didn39t quotwatch the defense a whole bunchquot tonight because quotI am focusing so much on offense. quot He has total trust in Manny Diaz. Richt said an incomplete deep ball to Stacy Coley was quotpass interference but I39m not allowed to say. quot Diaz praised his defense and said quotthe way we played the run was a testamentquot to the three natural freshmen starting linebackers. Shaq Quarterman said he and Zach McCloud and Mike Pinckney quothave tremendous chemistry together. quot. But of his entire group, Diaz said quotwhen we watch the tape, players will be horrified about things we have to fix. quot. Gus Edwards said his conditioning is a lot better, which helped on his 74-yard run. Stacy Coley, speaking publicly for the first time in a long time, said he quotwasn39t too concernedquot about being suspended for the luxury rental car scandal and said that he knows exactly what he did. UM players thought the renovated stadium, plus the big crowd, delivered more of a homefield advantage than in the past. quotIt makes a difference in college football it gives you energy, quot Kaaya said. Kaaya said quotwe have a lot bigger fish to fryquot than this game. quotWe have to win the big games. quot Brad Kaaya threw four touchdown passes: to Marquez Williams, Chris Herndon, Ahmmon Richards and Stacy Coley. Kaaya departed late in the third quarter and closed 12 for 18 for 135 yards and four touchdowns. Malik Rosier, on his first drive, had a 19-yard touchdown run. Through the air, Rosier finished for 1 for 3 for 15 yards. Evan Schirreffs played the last series. Mark Walton ran 15 times for 116 yards, Joe Yearby 7 for 105 and Gus Edwards 7 for 106.0160 It39s the first time UM had three 100-yard rushers in the same game since against Cincinnati in 1987 -- Leonard Conley, Warren Williams and Melvin Bratton. Walton39s 37 yard touchdown run and Yearby39s 64 yard touchdown run and Edwards39s 74-yard TD were the longest of their careers. UMs offensive starters: Quarterback Brad Kaaya, running back Mark Walton, receivers Ahmmon Richards and Stacy Coley, tight ends David Njoku and Christopher Herndon and offensive linemen Trevor Darling, Kc McDermott, Nick Linder, Danny Isidora and Sunny Odogwu. UMs defensive starters: defensive ends Chad Thomas and Demetrius Jackson, defensive tackles Kendrick Norton and RJ McIntosh linebackers Shaq Quarterman, Mike Pinckney and Zach McCloud cornerbacks Corn Elder and Adrian Colbert and safeties Rayshawn Jenkins and Jamal Carter. That means UM started four incoming freshmen: Richards, Quarterman, McCloud and Pinckney. Several other freshmen received considerable playing time, including defensive linemen Pat Bethel and Joe Jackson. Bethel blocked a punt in the first half that was recovered by Ryan Mayes. Braxton Berrios worked as UMs punt returner and scored on a 41-yard return to make the score 56-3 in the third quarter. Richard McIntosh led UM with eight tackles. Richards 48-yard reception, on a bomb from Kaaya, was overturned on replay. But Richards caught his first touchdown, a 15-yard reception from Kaaya to push UM39s lead to 42-3. Some firsts from the Mark Richt era: First interception by Corn Elder First play from scrimmage (a 25-yard Mark Walton run) First touchdown: Kaaya to fullback Marquez Williams for a four-year touchdown First sack: Demetrius Jackson (who had two). With this nine first-half completions, Kaaya passed Bernie Kosar for sixth all-time on the career completions list.0160 UM says defensive lineman Tyreic Martin did not dress. He has been dealing with a knee injury. The press box announcer incorrectly said he made several tackles in the game, but UM says he actually didn39t suit up. Michael Badgley, who was 25 for 30 on field goals last season missed a 33-yard field goal. Adrian Colbert had a terrific interception on a deep ball in the third quarter. UM began the season with just over 40,000 season tickets sold, compared with 29,000 last season. Attendance for the opener was 60,703 -- short of a sellout. Receiver Sam Bruce, one of the University of Miamis most ballyhooed recruits, will miss a quarter of his first regular season as Hurricane. UM suspended him for three games and though a reason wasnt given, a source said it was the result of a photo that featured Bruce holding a gun,0160the Miami Herald first reported0160 back in February. The three-game suspension was one more than we originally expected when we reported this back in July. According to a source familiar with the situation in February,0160Bruce 0160 used the photo of himself with a weapon as part of an ongoing dispute with an older, former St. Thomas Aquinas male student over0160Bruces0160ex-girlfriend. The source said the photo ended up in the hands of the former student, who then called police and Aquinas. Even though Bruce was not enrolled at UM at the time of the incident, UM suspended him because it wanted to make clear that such behavior would not be tolerated by players who were intending to attend UM. As expected, defensive tackle0160 Gerald Willis . was suspended for one game and did not play Saturday. Willis transferred from Florida and sat out last season per NCAA transfer rules. Willis suspension, combined with Anthony Motens shoulder injury, left UM with only three experienced defensive tackles Saturday: Richard McIntosh Jr. (who moved over from defensive end during the offseason), Kendrick Norton and Courtel Jenkins. And Jenkins limped off in the fourth quarter, needing assistance . Meanwhile, the suspension of the four-star Bruce left UM with only seven healthy scholarship receivers: Stacy Coley, Braxton Berrios, Ahmmon Richards, Dayall Harris, Dionte Mullins, Malcolm Lewis and Darrell Langham. Trent Harris played with a heavy wrap on his fractured left hand. UM walk-on quarterback Tucker Beirne, 19,0160was arrested in Tavernier early Saturday morning and charged with a misdemeanor count of driving under the influence and a felony count of cocaine possession. He had a blood alcohol level of .08 or more. The redshirt freshman is a recent graduate of Christopher Columbus High School and played one year at Aspen High in Colorado. According to the UM media guide, he set a school record at Columbus with 7,957 career passing yards He was not set to play on Saturday against Florida AampM. UM declined to comment. A few thoughts on the Dolphins 53-man roster (for the moment): Biggest surprise was Miami keeping five running backs. But Isaiah Pead showed enough for the Dolphins to be patient with his hamstring injury, and Adam Gase has consistently praised Damien Williams. With DeVante Parker nursing a hamstring injury, no surprise Miami kept six receiver. They likely would have anyway, because Griff Whalen is better equipped for the No. 4 job than Leonte Carroo or Jakeem Grant at the moment. Jordan Lucas won the fifth cornerback job (for now) because of good upside and quality special teams work. Nice job by Mike Hull leading the team in tackles and winning a backup linebacker job (at least for now), beating out James Michael Johnson. Terrence Fede said he has the least serious MCL sprain, and that combined with his ability to play both end and tackle -- allowed him to beat out Chris Jones for a backup job. Julius Warmsley earned the other open job, giving Miami nine defensive linemen. MarQuies Gray won the No. 3 tight end job, for the moment, but probably shouldnt get too comfortable, with better options on waivers. Brandon Doughty did enough last week, including the Tennessee game, to convince the Dolphins to not risk putting him on waivers and transferring him to the practice squad, at least for now. So he39s on the 53. The Dolphins love his ability to find open receivers, even if he doesnt always go through progressions exactly how they want. Kraig Urbik survived as the ninth lineman because of his ability to capably play multiple positions. By the way, please follow us on Twitter. We broke 11 of the 22 cuts today on flasportsbuzz Rounding up whats new and different about college football on TV this season: Changes with ESPN game announcers . Two of the networks four most recognizable college football play-by-play voices have moved on, with Brad Nessler taking a job at CBS (after his ESPN contract wasnt renewed for financial reasons) and Sean McDonough promoted to Monday Night Football to replace Mike Tirico . who left for NBC. That leaves Chris Fowler and Brent Musburger (who was demoted to SEC Network two years ago) as ESPNs most familiar college play-by-play men. Fowler, competent on play-by-play but better in the studio, returns on the lead team with Kirk Herbstreit .0160 The turnover created a ripple effect of changes. Deep-piped Joe Tessitore replaces Nessler on ESPNs Saturday night games, alongside Todd Blackledge . Nesslers very good, but Tessitore warranted the promotion. ESPN anchor Steve Levy essentially replaced McDonough, paired with Brian Griese . ESPN also promoted former Alabama quarterback Greg McElroy to a prominent game analyst role, alongside Dave Pasch . And the capable Bob WischusenBrock Huard team will get a lot of attractive games. 01600160 Also new: Former Vanderbilt quarterback Jordan Rodgers . who once spent a month with the Dolphins and won ABCs The Bachelorette this summer, will do studio work for SEC Network. Among off-limit topics: Why he and brother Aaron Rodgers dont have a relationship. Nessler moves to CBS . Its unusual to have designated successor named a year in advance in the TV business, but CBS already has announced that Nessler will succeed Verne Lundquist as its voice of Southeastern Conference football in 2017. Lundquist, 74, was ready to reduce his workload. Nessler was the obvious choice in a year, he will be reunited with former ESPN partner Gary Danielson . In the meantime, Nessler this fall will four CBS college games on days the network has double-headers, the Sun Bowl and a few NFL games. Tragedy resulting in change in ABCs studio. John Saunders shocking recent death, at 61, was a huge personal loss Saunders was universally liked and respected. Professionally, it also sent ABC scrambling to fill the college host job that Saunders held since 1992. ESPN anchor Stan Verrett was chosen as Saunders successor, and Verrett very good at narrating highlights was the smart choice to pair alongside Mack Brown and Mark May in ABCs studio. 0160John Saunders was a mentor and friend who helped me navigate my career at ESPN and was always ready with a kind word and timely advice, Verrett said. Theres a tremendous legacy there. More ESPN studio changes . Jonathan Vilmas hiring gives ESPN2 a pair of studio analysts with UM ties (Vilma and Butch Davis ), though Vilma says they cant make this into a quotUM love-fest. quot In ESPNs studio, Adnan Virk returns with Danny Kanell and Joey Galloway, who replaced Lou Holtz and May a year ago. Fox lands two smart ESPN analysts: 0160 Robert Smith and Chris Spielman . Smith, one of the most erudite analysts on television, joins Rob Stone, Dave Wannstedt and Matt Leinart in Foxs studio, while Spielman will primarily work NFL games with Dick Stockton . Finally, a decent game on the Sunday night of Labor Day weekend . ABC filled that void, one of the few on the college schedule, with Notre Dame-Texas Sunday night. A few other things . UMs first two games (Florida AampM on Saturday and FAU on Sept. 10) will be carried only on broadband (ESPN3). These are the types of games that would be aired by the ACC Network when its launches in 2019. The FSU football season will be chronicled in a Showtime series, with 30-minute episodes every Tuesday at 10 p. m. Fox gets one of the best early-season matchups (Ohio State-Oklahoma) in prime time on Sept. 17 its their first meeting since 1983 LSU-Texas AampM will be the Thanksgiving night game, opposite Steelers-Colts on NBC. For a look at this season39s college football TV schedule, please click here . WQAM hired former UM players KC Jones and Colin McCarthy as analysts on its pre-game and postgames shows, respectively. The postgame analyst job has been a revolving door in recent years, with Dan Sileo, Duane Starks and Bennie Blades preceding McCarthy. More personnel notes: Former Miami Herald Dolphins writer Jeff Darlington left NFL Network for a reporter job at ESPN Former local personality Jorge Sedano . who co-hosts an evening ESPN Radio show with Israel Gutierrez . will now do a radio show (with Keyshawn Johnson ) for ESPN Los Angeles and a weekly ESPN2 TV show at 5 p. m. Mondays. Tirico this week declined to discuss how he felt when he learned that he would not be calling Thursday night NFL games because the NFL insisted that NBC use the same team on Sunday night and Thursday nights ( Al Michaels, Cris Collinsworth ). But besides hosting on-site in NBC39s NFL studio on Sunday, Tirico will call three Notre Dame games and two late season NFL games (all with Doug Flutie). Skip Bayless new Fox Sports 1 show will air at 10 a. m. opposite his old ESPN program, beginning Tuesday. So viewers will have a choice of Bayless and Shannon Sharpe on Fox Sports 1 (with former 790 The Ticket personality Joy Taylor hosting) or Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman on ESPN2. Or viewers can avoid all the screaming altogether and use the time to clean their linen closet. Fox, by the way, is promoting Bayless show on three billboards within five miles of ESPNs Bristol, Conn. studios, as The Wall Street Journal noted. TNT has authorized a series titled quotThe Race Cardquot that will follow Charles Barkley as he explores and tries to explain why our country is divided. Its expect to debut early next year. Notes and thoughts from the Dolphins39 21-10 loss to Tennessee in the preseason finale for both teams: This team39s lack of quality depth was exposed again tonight, and it wouldn39t be surprising if the Dolphins claim a handful of players off waivers Sunday. They could use one or two more linebackers a legitimate No. 3 tight end a No. 5 cornerback and perhaps a fourth running back if they find someone better than Damien Williams or healthier than Isaiah Pead. Linebacker Mike Hull has had some moments this preseason, and a couple of nice stops tonight, but he was victimized horribly on Tennessee39s second scoring drive, missing tackles on Derrick Henry39s 28- and 23-yard runs, then beaten in coverage for a first down. Neville Hewitt, who hasn39t been as consistent as coaches want, also missed a tackle on that series, was beaten in coverage and was called for a horse-collar tackle. And all of that happened to Hull and Hewitt on one series. The Dolphins like No. 4 linebacker Spencer Paysinger, but expect them to scan the waiver wire to see if there39s anybody better as a fifth or sixth or even a seventh linebacker (if they keep seven initially, with Jelani Jenkins recovering from knee surgery). Xavien Howard was OK in his preseason debut and appears on track to start Sept. 11 in Seattle. quotI know Seattle is going to challenge me I39m expecting that, quot Howard told WFOR39s Kim Bokamper after the game. quotI39m ready to be in that starting lineup. quot The good news, on the cornerback front, was a terrific interception by Tony Lippett (who had his best game of preseason) and another by Bobby McCain. But with Chimdi Chekwa missing all four preseason games, the Dolphins might need to look elsewhere for a fifth corner, should they keep five. Jordan Lucas --- beaten on a 25-yard reception tonight --- appears better suited to the practice squad, and Rashaan Melvin in a journeyman. Tennessee (mostly Alex Tanney) completed all 15 of its first half passes, but two were caught by Dolphins (Lippett and McCain). Vance Joseph has suggested Miami will keep nine defensive linemen, and it would be ideal to keep five ends and four tackles. But here39s the problem: The two players who seem most deserving of the 8th and 9th jobs are both tackles -- Julius Warmsley and Chris Jones. That would give Miami nine tackles. Warmley used to be an end but said he has played only tackle for Miami. Terrence Fede, nursing an sprained MCL, would be an option as a fifth defensive end should the Dolphins go in that direction. Fede also can play tackle but it39s unclear when he will be healthy.0160 Offensively, Zac Dysert flunked his test (50.3 first half passer rating). Brandon Doughty was better than Dysert (8-12-98 yards, 91.7 passer rating), but the Dolphins should be able to sneak him over to the practice squad if they wish. We39ll see if Adam Gase (who controls the 53-man roster) puts Doughty on the 53. Jay Ajayi had three carries for 13 yards but fumbled on Miami39s first play from scrimmage and dropped an easy pass. Not a good night, or a good preseason. The Dolphins averaged only 2.0 yards per carry on nine first half runs, and closed with 53 yards rushing on 2.4 per carry. Damien Williams didn39t have a great night (four carries, three yards). Even though Miami played only four receivers, Jakeem Grant didn39t have a pass thrown to him until late in the game (it wasn39t completed).0160 Griff Whalen caught five for 48 (with a drop), Rashawn Scott 4 for 37 and Leonte Carroo 2 for 17. And that was it for wide receivers39 receiving stats. Billy Turner did everything except serve drinks inside Club LIV. He opened at left guard, then played right guard, then played some right tackle. Turner and Dallas Thomas and center Anthony Steen (who didn39t play) should stick as the 6th through 8th offensive linemen. Will be (very, very mildly) interesting to see whether Kraig Urbik, Sam Young or Ulrick John sticks as the 9th. Jamil Douglas played some center in the second half and it39s difficult to see him sticking. Owner Stephen Ross, appearing in the third quarter on CBS-439s telecast, said Adam Gase really believes in Ryan Tannehill. quotI don39t think that39s what he had in the past, quot Ross said in a reference to Joe Philbin. Ross also said some quotpeople thoughtquot Gase might quothave been brashquot or0160quottoo youngquot to be a head coach, but Ross had a conviction about him and said he was0160his top choice before he interviewed him. Ross praised his intelligence and0160passion to win. quotOur future is in really good hands, quot Ross said of Gase. quotI think we0160have good talent here. There39s a lot of reason for optimism. I like0160the course we39re on. He39s really put together a great staff. quot Ross said the Dolphins are expecting quotbig thingsquot from Kenyan Drake: quotHis speed is fantastic. We39ve just got to keep him healthy. quot (In his preseason debut, Drake had four carries for six yards but also caught a pass from Doughty for 33 yards). Ross also said coaches were quotreally thrilledquot with Xavien Howard before his injury. Marquise Gray had two catches for 30 yards, and Thomas Duarte 2 for 11, but I39m not sure there39s a No. 3 tight end on the roster.0160 A few things from Gase: On Drake: quotI was hoping to get him some more carries. quot. He said there39s a chance quotwe will play two or three guys in gamequot at right guard against Seattle. On why Laremy Tunsil didn39t play: quotHe missed a day of practice. We were being smart. He was lobbying. We decided it probably wasn39t the best thing for him to play. quot. On running back: quotThe only disappointing thing is we39re never healthy at the same time. quot. On Jay Ajayi: quotI was a little disappointed he put the ball on the ground. What he has shown me in the spring and in training camp is a guy that was reliable in the passing game. On the fumble I expect better from him I have higher standards from him. quot. On Brandon Doughty: quotHe did a good job. Went in there with confidence. The thing about him that39s really impressive is stands there, is not afraid to get hit and deliver the ball. His toughness is very impressive. quot. On the last six weeks of practice: quotI don39t remember a day where I walked off the field thinking that was terrible on both sides of the ball. quot Please click here for our investigation into the South Beach luxury rental car owner who was partly responsible for getting UM39s top two defensive players thrown off the team. Amazingly, the owner said quotfor me as a company, this was probably good. quot. Please follow me on Twitter for breaking news (flasportsbuzz) When Jakeem Grant scooted around Giants defensive backs for 68 yards on four receptions in the preseason opener, it was easy to get excited. When Mel Kiper started comparing Leonte Carroo to Charles Barkley a physical player who could box out defenders and others likened him to longtime NFL standout receiver Anquan Boldin, it was easy to get excited. Both had impressive numbers as receivers in college: Grant caught 90 passes for 1268 yards and 10 touchdowns in Texas Techs pass-happy offense last season. Carroo had 29 touchdown receptions in 30 games at Rutgers, with a 19.5 average. But we havent seen much of anything from the Dolphins rookie receivers in the passing game the past two weeks, largely because of lack of opportunity. Grant has played six snaps of offense the past two weeks combined. Carroo played eight against Atlanta, fewer than AJ Cruz, who was cut two days later. And both are antsy for a chance to log lots of offensive snaps in Thursdays preseason finale against Tennesssee. Definitely, Grant said. Coach Adam Gase made clear this week that while he likes both players, both must eliminate the type of mistakes that rookies sometimes make. quotI think for me it39s to the execution point of knowing what to do (and) being in the right spot, Gase said. Both of those guys have had those moments of having those mistakes where the quarterback thinks they39re doing one thing and they do something different. We39re making strides in that area. You just want it to happen as fast as possible. I think this game - with the game plan where it is and who knows what the weather is going to be like so I39m not sure how many times we39ll actually get to throw it - we39d like to see them be as sound as possible as far as what they39re supposed to do. And then you try to develop the techniques and the little details of the routes. quot For weeks, Gase has been saying that Grant cant go at the exact same speed when running all his routes. Thats still an issue, apparently. I still need to slow down, Grant said this week. Ive been told go fast my whole life. And as far as the two rookies making adjustments to eliminate the type of mistakes that Gase referenced, Grant said: Were starting to get it really good. Transferring over to the field is going to be a hard thing because were rookies. Were still kind of hesitant. We have to make sure we all move as one chain. All it takes is communication. As for Carroo, he said being the No. 4 receiver is important to him. I know I can make a lot of plays, he said. I want to show coaches what I can do in a full game. Receivers coach Shawn Jefferson has been pushing Carroo very hard. In fact, Grant said Jefferson was critical of Carroo even after he made a great catch in practice. I didnt line up correctly at the start of the play, Carroo said. If you do one thing wrong, he will correct it. He doesnt care about a great play. He wants a perfect play. Veteran Griff Whalen lined up as the No. 4 receiver in four-receiver sets in the Atlanta game last week and has filled that role a lot in practice, though Carroo said he got more first-team work this week, especially after DeVante Parker and Kenny Stills left practice with injuries that arent serious. (Parker has a hamstring issue again and wont play Thursday Stills back locked up Monday but hes fine.) The impression given is that the Dolphins feel more comfortable with the savvy Whalen as their fourth receiver, at least for now, than either of the two rookies. Perhaps that changes tonight or over the next week or two. If it does not, then Whalen stands to make the team and Carroo could be inactive early in the season on game days, because Grant will be active as the teams primary returner. Thats why its important for Carroo, in particular, to show tonight that hes ready to contribute. One thing is clear: With only seven receivers on the 85-man roster, most or all of the receiver snaps tonight will go to Carroo, Grant, Whalen and undrafted former UM receiver Rashawn Scott. FYI: Whereas special teams coach Darren Rizzi informed Andrew Franks that he will be the kicker, Grant said Rizzi hasnt told him that he has won the return jobs. Him not telling me is fine with me, Grant said. It keeps me competing. Im still gaining trust. The Heat, non-committal for months about whether Chris Bosh would be cleared to resume his career this season, suggested on Twitter Wednesday evening that it expects him to attend training camp. quotLooking good CB, quot owner Micky Arison tweeted. quot. Look forward to seeing in camp. quot He ended the Tweet with a basketball emoji. Arison was responding to a Bosh tweet that included video of him shooting jump shots. The Heat declined to offer additional clarity on Arison39s tweet, including whether Bosh would be cleared medically by team doctors. Bosh has been awaiting such clearance, according to a source. The Bosh camp has been unhappy about the Heat39s handling of the matter, according to an NBA-employed person with direct knowledge of the situation. Meanwhile, an option has surfaced in which the Heat could allow Bosh to play a limited number of games this season and still get salary cap relief before next summer if Bosh has a setback in his attempt to return from his second blood clot episode in a 12-month period. It has been widely reported in several publications that the Heat can apply to remove Bosh from its cap only if he does not play in a regular-season game before Feb. 9, the one year anniversary of his last game. That39s true, but there39s a key caveat. According to Section VII (4) (h) (1) of the labor agreement, and cap expert Nate Duncan (who was kind enough to alert me), the labor agreement would allow the Heat to remove his salary from its cap before next summer if he plays in fewer than 10 games this season and then has a setback that39s considered career-ending. Heres how the labor deal is phrased: If the player played fewer than 10 in a season, the team can apply 60 days after his last game to have his salary removed from the cap, or the one-year anniversary of his last game in the previous season, whichever is later. Preseason games do not count toward that total but playoff games do. As noted in our last post updating where the Heat stands with Bosh and the Bosh camps frustrations, heres how the process works: When a team applies to remove a player from its cap on the grounds that he has sustained a career-ending injury or illness, it must waive the player and then apply for cap relief. According to the labor deal, the determination as to whether an injury or illness is career ending is made by a physician jointly selected by the league and players association. The determination is based on whether the injury or illness will prevent the player from playing for the remainder of his career, or if it is severe enough that continuing to play constitutes a medically unacceptable risk. If the injury exclusion is granted, the player39s salary is removed from the team salary immediately. Bosh is believed to have found at least one doctor who has been receptive to him resuming his career, with use of a blood thinner that would be out of his system in eight hours. The Heat rejected that proposal when Bosh wanted to return for the playoffs this past spring, but that approach has been discussed against this summer. If the player later proves the doctors wrong and resumes his career, then his salary is returned to his former teams salary when he plays in his 25th game0160in any one season, for any team. This, according to cap expert Larry Coons cap document, allows a player to attempt to resume his career without affecting his previous team unless his comeback is ultimately successful. If the 25th game was a playoff game, then the player39s salary is returned to the cap effective on the date of the team39s last regular season game. So if Bosh, hypothetically, plays in nine regular-season games or fewer in November and very early December, then suffers a setback, the Heat could apply to remove his salary from the cap on Feb. 9, a process that would be easier if Bosh is not fighting it. And if Bosh plays in nine games or fewer at any time this season, the Heat still could apply to remove his salary from its cap before free agency next summer if Bosh has a setback that likely would end his career. Bosh is due to make 25.3 million in 2017-18 and 26.8 million in 2018-19. Removing his 2017-18 salary from Miamis cap would leave the Heat with more than 42 million in cap space next summer. Bosh is set to make 23.74 million this summer, making him the NBA39s 10th-highest paid player this season, whether he plays or not. The Heat has said it has no update on whether Bosh will be cleared medically, but Boshs wife said this week that he intends to play this season. A few nuggets from UM football practice: UM39s defensive line, already weakened by the dismissal of Al Quadin Muhammad, now is dealing with injuries to defensive end Trent Harris (fractured hand) and tackle Anthony Moten (shoulder). Mark Richt said today he expects one of them to play but wouldn39t say who39s more likely. But coaches said today that they believe Harris can play with a club on his hand. Chad Thomas, Harris and Demetrius Jackson are UM39s only game-experienced defensive ends. quotDemetrius is 260 pounds, physical he39s going to be a force vs the run and pass, quot defensive line coach Craig Kuligowski said. quotHe has shown more toughness on the field. quot Kuligowski also seems confident about freshmen ends Pat Bethel and Joe Jackson. quotJoe Jackson is very physical, great speed, quot he said. quotI think they are going to be great. quot But Kuligowski wondered this about his freshmen ends: quotWhen we get to the locker-room, will be see if they39re pukingquot At defensive tackle, Richard McIntosh and Kendrick Norton are entrenched as starters. quotThey39re playing like big, talented guys, quot Kuligowski said. quotConsistent, trust-worthy. quot 0160McIntosh, moved from defensive end to tackle by Kuligowski (a very smart move), said today that he and tackle Gerald Willis (expected to be suspended for the opener) are cross-training some at defensive end after AQM39s dismissal. I asked coordinator Manny Diaz a bunch of questions about losing Grace and AQM, but he insisted that won39t be an excuse. quotWho we put out, the expectation is they play fast, tough and physical. Everything else will work out, quot Diaz said. quotEverything is an excuse for me not to play my best. If everybody does their job in a violent manner, we39re going to pleased with the outcome. What39s changed. Nothing has changed. We39re going to play young guys. We put our trust in those guys. We put trust in anyone we put on the field. quot Diaz said both Jamie Gordinier and Mike Pinckney will play a lot at weakside linebacker. That39s one of the few spots where a starter has not been named. A few nuggets from UM football practice Wednesday: UM39s defensive line, already weakened by the dismissal of Al-Quadin Muhammad, now is dealing with injuries to defensive end Trent Harris (fractured hand) and tackle Anthony Moten (shoulder). Mark Richt said today he expects one of them to play Saturday against Florida AampM but wouldn39t say who39s more likely. But coaches said today that they believe Harris can play with a club on his hand. Chad Thomas, Harris and Demetrius Jackson are UM39s only game-experienced defensive ends. quotDemetrius is 260 pounds, physical he39s going to be a force vs the run and pass, quot defensive line coach Craig Kuligowski said. quotHe has shown more toughness on the fieldquot since the spring. Kuligowski also seems confident about freshmen ends Pat Bethel and Joe Jackson. quotJoe Jackson is very physical, great speed, quot he said. quotI think they are going to be great. quot But Kuligowski wondered this about his freshmen ends: quotWhen we get to the locker-room, will they be pukingquot At defensive tackle, Richard McIntosh and Kendrick Norton are entrenched as starters. quotThey39re playing like big, talented guys, quot Kuligowski said. quotConsistent, trust-worthy. quot McIntosh, moved from defensive end to tackle by Kuligowski (a very smart move), said today that he and tackle Gerald Willis (expected to be suspended for the opener) are cross-training some at defensive end after AQM39s dismissal. I asked coordinator Manny Diaz a bunch of questions about losing Grace and AQM, but he insisted that won39t be an excuse. quotWho we put out, the expectation is they play fast, tough and physical. Everything else will work out, quot Diaz said. quotEverything is an excuse for me not to play my best. If everybody does their job in a violent manner, we39re going to pleased with the outcome. What39s changed. Nothing has changed. We39re going to play young guys. We put our trust in those guys. We put trust in anyone we put on the field. quot Diaz said both Jamie Gordinier and Mike Pinckney will play a lot at weakside linebacker. That39s one of the few spots where a starter has not been named. quotPinckney has been excellent since he got back up to speed last week, quot Diaz said. quotWe want to continue to grade them out every day in practice but both will play a bunch. quot WEDNESDAY BUZZ COLUMN With Chris Bosh going on the offensive this week, the message to the Heat is clear: Getting salary cap relief for Boshs contract, if he isnt cleared to play, is going to be a mighty contentious struggle. Were told the Bosh camp remains frustrated with the Heats handling of his situation, and thats part of the reason Bosh and wife Adrienne have gone on a social media blitz this week. As one NBA official said, Bosh wants the public to know he wants to play amid the Heats silence. The Heat has declined to say if Bosh will be cleared Bosh has been awaiting word himself - but the team disputes any notion that it is trying to keep him off the court to remove his salary from the cap. And heres the problem: Though the Heat can apply to remove Boshs future salaries (25.3 million in 2017-18, 26.8 million in 2018-19) from its cap as early as Feb. 9 (a full calendar year since his last game), the odds are against Miami being granted that relief if Bosh fights this. The reason:0160 To clear Bosh off the cap, the labor agreement says a doctor that is jointly selected by the league and0160players association must agree his condition quotis career-ending, or0160severe enough to put him at risk if he continues playing. 0160 Bosh disputes any notion that he cannot play and -- barring another blood clot -- he, in tandem with the players association, likely will oppose use of any doctors who say he cannot play and presumably will try to find a doctor who will say he can. And the process might not even get to that point. Bosh previously found one doctor who told him about taking a new blood thinner that would be out of his system in eight to 10 hours an idea the Heat rejected in April but an approach that has again been discussed this summer. Incidentally, the Heat faces a Wednesday deadline to use a stretch provision on Bosh that would allow Miami to cut him and spread his 76 million remaining in cap hits over seven years. But it39s unlikely the Heat will do that. On Tuesday, Bosh tweeted a picture of himself and Dwyane Wade after a workout. And Boshs wife said this week that Bosh will play this season. The reason Boshs situation is so complicated: There are differences of opinion in the medical community about whether someone who has had two clotting episodes in 12 months (but like Bosh, doesnt have the gene making him pre-disposed to clots) should remain on thinners, and whether an NBA player more susceptible than non-athletes to leg trauma - should take the new blood-thinning medication thats out of the system in eight hours. There are many players in different sports that do play with that condition, and they39re on and off programs on blood thinners and stuff, quot Heat president Pat Riley said last month. quotBut I think when it comes down to a final protocol, or if it gets to a formula in how this has to be done, then that39s what we39ll deal with. quot A year after saying 2015 would be the year of the Dolphins in the AFC East, ESPNs Jon Gruden 0160told me earlier today, in this post. that he won39t be fooled again. Meanwhile, CBS lead analyst Phil Simms 0160told me Tuesday: Do I look at the Miami Dolphins as0160a Super Bowl contender I do not. I have watched their preseason games. I expect Ryan Tannehill to have a really good year. He has looked terrific at times in the preseason. I39ll be surprised if he doesn39t put up good numbers. He is going to be a so-called franchise quarterback and now they have to get the other parts around him to win more than six games. Do they look like a great team on paper and watching them in preseason No, they do not. Though the Dolphins (as Armando has reported) are planning to put cornerback Chris Culliver on PUP, which would sideline him for six games, Culliver said Tuesday that waiting for Game 7 is too long and he would be ready to play after a game or two. He broke an MCL and ACL in a Thanksgiving practice with Washington last season. Culliver makes 156,250 for each game he39s on the active roster. For a lot more Dolphins nuggets from earlier today, including Adam Gase39s candid thoughts on three of his receivers, please click here . Add this to the list of creative things this UM coaching staff does:0160Offensive tackle Tyree St. Louis said if you keep messing up0160repeatedly, offensive line coach Stacy Searels orders the player to0160run to the practice field wall and touch the photo of former UM great0160 Bryant McKinnie . who addressed the team in the spring. UM offensive coordinator Thomas Brown said today starter Mark Walton and backup Joe Yearby will split carries and was non-committal on Gus Edwards . Once he realizes he can impose his will and play behind his pads, he will become a better player, Brown said of Edwards. Practice observers have been impressed with Mark Richts play-calling, with lots of screens, draws, deep balls and unpredictability. Marquez Williams 0160strong performance has made coaches inclined to use a fullback at times. Marlins first baseman0160 Chris Johnson . on0160 Barry Bonds 0160evolution as hitting coach: At first, it was a little weird. He didnt say too much. You wondered: What are we going to get He explained he was just watching. Since then, it has been fantastic. He can tell you in words and show you with the bat what to do. Former UM center Tonye Jekiri signed to play in Turkey. Earlier this summer, his ex-teammate,0160 Angel Rodriguez, signed in France and Sheldon McClellan 0160signed with the Washington Wizards. Please follow me on Twitter for fast updates on all of our teams (flasportsbuzz) 2 p. m. update: When I asked Jon Gruden about the Dolphins early last September, he said: quotI think this is the year of the Dolphins in the AFC East. I think0160Miami can win 10-12 games this year. quot Then Miami went 6-10. When I asked him today if he39s again optimistic, he made clear he wouldn39t fall into that trap again. quotI wasn39t good last year in the Dolphins prognostication. I am going to0160play it by what I see this year. They have a lot of new faces, not0160only in coaching staff but the offensive and defensive systems but the0160personnel they39re counting on heavily. I39m most concerned about the0160Dolphins secondary. I want to see how they play at the corner position0160and how Mario Williams and Ndamukong Suh play in that Miami heat and0160can they get a fourth quarter pass rush. Can the corners hold up for016016 weeks Can Tannehill do it consistently in a new offense I haven39t0160seen enough from the offensive line this summer. I was expecting more.0160I want to see that pick up as well. quot 3 PM DOLPHINS NOTES After missing two weeks with a hamstring injury earlier in camp, DeVante Parker again has a hamstring problem and will sit out Thursday39s preseason finale against Tennessee, according to coach Adam Gase, who called Parker day to day. For the second time in a week, Gase seemed to challenge Parker on the injury issue. quotWere going to keep strengthening0160him up, quot Gase said. I feel like Ive been through this with Demaryius Thomas in0160Denver. Felt like he was always hurt. One thing after the other. quot Gase then spoke of quotall the little things you have to do off the field, in the0160building and when you get to practice, you have to treat everything0160like a game. Sometimes it takes some guys more time to learn more than others.0160Eventually you get tired of being the guy standing on the sideline. I0160do think hes a little frustrated. Hes been the odd man out all the0160time. Eventually he will know how to push through certain kinds of0160pain. quot Asked about the progress of rookie receivers Jakeem Grant (who played just five offensive snaps against Atlanta) and Leonte Carroo (who played just eight), Gase said: quotIts the execution point of knowing what to do,0160being in the right spot. Weve had a couple times when both those guys0160had their moments of having mistakes where quarterback thinks theyre0160going to do one thing and they do something different. We would like0160to see them as sound as possible as far as what theyre supposed to0160do, and develop techniques and little details of the routes. quot About Carroo specifically, Gase said: quotWeve see a guy that obviously can catch the ball when he was a0160defender draped on him, he will pull it in. I see a guy with strong0160hands, a guy that can move defenders off the ball. Has that quick0160first step. At the same time he can stretch the field vertically. He0160doesnt know some of the things he needs to know to help himself.0160Thats a little bit of experience.. Hes got a little ways to go. The0160thing I love about him is he works so hard, spends so much time in the0160classroom. quot Gase also explained why Kenny Stills and Laremy Tunsil left practice Monday. (Both are fine now.) Stills39 quotback locked up, which is something he has had in the0160past, quot Gase said. quot Felt a lot better today.0160Laremy39s foot got caught in turf. Hes fine. It scared him a little. quot On trading Chris McCain to New Orleans for a conditional seventh-round pick, Gase said: quotHe was in a situation where hes0160battling on the back end. Its a really0160good opportunity for him. Here, would he be active Would he make it How much would he contribute Situation is0160really good for him. He seemed excited to get opportunity to go to a0160place where he feels hes going to get a ton of snaps. Every player0160wants to play as much as possible. Thats a better opportunity for him0160there. quot Dion Jordans return to the field has been delayed until at least mid-to-late October. In an expected move, the Dolphins placed Jordan on the NFLs reserved non-football injury list, meaning the earliest he would be eligible to return is Miamis seventh game, an Oct. 23 home game against Buffalo. Jordan hasnt played since the 2014 season, when he had 20 tackles and a sack in 10 games for Miami. He was suspended in April 2015 for multiple violations of the NFLs drug policy and was reinstated conditionally on July 29, provided he meets certain requirements. But when he showed up to practice in late July, the Dolphins learned he had recently undergone knee surgery. Jordan is still recovering from that surgery and isnt ready to play. The NFLs conditional reinstatement requires Jordan to undergo counseling and be re-evaluated before the start of the regular season. He will be eligible to play when he returns if he meets the NFLs conditions. Jordan, drafted third overall in 2013, has three sacks in 26 games. Jordan is still in the process of returning the 3.35 million signing bonus the Dolphins gave him when he signed, and the Dolphins are being patient with that. That bonus exceeds what Jordan would earn this season. The Dolphins have indicated they plan to keep the 6-6, 275-pound Jordan at defensive end instead of moving him to linebacker. Asked if he expects Jordan to help after six weeks, Gase said: quotHard for me to answer because Ive never seen himplay live. Once we get to that point, well figure out how much he can0160help or what a role is.0160Right now, the biggest thing for me is helping him make0160sure hes doing everything right in our building and outside our0160building. After we feel like that is in a good place, then Ill worry0160about how his body goes. Lets get him right to where he feels hes0160back and his mind is right and hes ready to take the next step. quot The Dolphins also placed linebacker Zach Vigil on the NFI list because of a back issue that has sidelined him since the start of training camp. The Dolphins are hopeful he will be able to return after six games or soon after. Undrafted last year of Utah State, Vigil had 18 tackles in 16 games, including two starts. The moves with Jordan and Vigil allowed the Dolphins to reach the 75-player roster limit hours before Tuesdays deadline. Teams must cut to 53 players by Saturday. Whether playing at a faster pace, without much huddling, makes the Dolphins offense any more efficient remains to be seen. But Dolphins players believe theyre already gaining a psychological advantage. Jarvis Landry said exhausted Cowboys defenders were vomiting while trying to keep up with the Dolphins offense in the first half of their second preseason game. And against Atlanta last Thursday, Ryan Tannehill said: 0160You can definitely see just the number of plays starting to wear on guys. I think we had 46 plays or something like that in the first half. You add that to another second half and you39re going to be getting over 70, close to 80 plays in a game - possibly 90. Our conditioning level is extremely high. We want to push ourselves in practice and just keep the pressure on the defense. That way when we get into the second half of games, teams do start wearing down and we can get some big plays because of it. quot At times, the Dolphins wont huddle and will run a play quickly. Other times, they wont huddle but will still take the play clock down to the final seconds. It39s fun to get out there and get up to the line, get our guys in the right spots and keep the pressure on the defense, Tannehill said. 0160I feel in charge of our offense now and in command of what we39re doing. Defensive tackle Earl Mitchell, sidelined for much of August with a calf injury, said he expects to be ready for the Sept. 11 opener against Seattle. Check back later for Heat, Canes and more Dolphins, and please follow me on Twitter for fast news updates (flasportsbuzz).

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